Ways to Support

  • Join the Community

    Share what you’ve been working on! Tag @_TRASHCLOTHES on Instagram. Comment, like, and share posts. Use #trashclothes and #keepclothesoutoflandfills hashtags.

  • Give Supplies

    Sometimes notions such as elastic, thread, etc. are hard to hard to find used. I’m also accepting used fabrics or old clothes! Clothes in need of TLC are preferred. Submit the form below.

  • Give a Monetary Gift

    Your gift allows TASHCLOHTES to keep clothes in circulation longer, which results in decreased textile waste. Choose an option below.


    Visit the TRASHCLOTHES online shop for a rotating inventory of upcycled, unique, and imperfect clothes and accessories.

Need to get rid of trashed clothes or used sewing supplies?

Give me a brief description of what you’ve got, name your price, and I’ll reach out to you to coordinate pickup.

Ready-to-wear items should be sold consignment or donated to other organizations that clothe people first.

Sewing supplies are almost always needed. <3


Give a Monetary Gift.

We are in this together. With your support, we can continue to work toward a more circular fashion economy.

PayPal/Credit Card